Tebuconazole 3.6F

Tebuconazole provides preventative and curative control on a broad-spectrum of disease pathogens. This product is for use on turf and ornamental issues such as Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Leaf Spot, Scab Anthracnose, Petal Blight and others. Its low use rates and easy to mix formulation makes Tebuconazole 3.6 F convenient to apply.
Active Ingredients: Tebuconazole
Packaging: 1 gallon jug
Rate:5-10 oz / 100 gal water
Mode of Action: Systemic
TM 4.5 Flowable Fungicide

TM 4.5 is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide, preventative protection against major turf and ornamental diseases including: Leaf Spots, Blights, Anthracnose, Scab, Powdery Mildew, Stem and Root Rots.
Active Ingredients: Thiophanate Methyl
Packaging: 2.5 gal jug
Rate: 20 oz / gal water
Mode of Action: Systemic
Equivalent Brands: Cleary’s 3336 WSP, Olympic 6672 WSP
T-Methyl 50 WSB

T-Methyl WSB fungicide prevents and cures a wide range of diseases with effective, systemic disease control. The active ingredient, thiophonate-methyl, is one of the most widely-used fungicides in the world. T-Methyl WSB prevents and cures new growth from a wide range of diseases including: Anthracnose, Blight, Scab, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rusts, Fusarium plus many more.
Active Ingredients: Thiophanate Methyl
Packaging: 6 X 4 X 8oz Box
Rate: 8-24 oz / 100 gals water
Mode of Action: Systemic
Equivalent Brands: Cleary’s 3336 WSB
Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide

Myclobutanil 20EW Fungicide is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide for curative and preventative control of fungal diseases.
- Labeled for Golf course greens, tees, fairways and roughs
- Labeled for landscape, nursery and greenhouse ornamentals
- Labeled for residential and commercial fruit trees, apple trees and grapes
A single application delivers up to 28 days of control for a wide range of diseases including: scab, powdery mildew, rust and leafspot in fruit trees as well as turfgrass and ornamentals.
Active Ingredients: Myclobutanil
Packaging: 1 gallon jug
Rate: See Label
Mode of Action: Eagle
Equivalent Brands: Demthylotion (DMI)
Chlorothalonil 720 SFT Flowable Fungicide (Echo720)

Chlorothalonil 720 SFT is an economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
- Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides
- Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals
- Multi-site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use
Preventative disease protection against major turf and ornamental diseases including: Needlecast, Tip-Blight, Anthracnose, Rust, Powdery Mildews, Scab, Leaf Spot plus many other fungal diseases.
Active Ingredients: Chlorothalonil 720 SFT
Packaging: 2.5 gallon jug
Rate: See Label
Mode of Action: Multi-site, Contact, Preventative
Equivalent Brands: Daconil Weatherstik
Manzate Max T&O (Mancozeb)

- Excellent tenacity, provides rainfastness and residual activity necessary for disease control
- No dye, will not stain equipment or clothing
- Water-based, won’t settle out as easy
- Multi-site mode of action, no resistance development
Active Ingredients: Mancozeb
Packaging: 2.5 gallon jug
Rate: 0.8 – 1.6 qts / 100 gallons water
Mode of Action: Multi-site, Contact, Preventative
Equivalent Brands: Fore 80 WP, Cleary’s Protect T&O, Dithane 75 DF
Banner Recommendation
Check the pH of your fill water!
The pH of your fill water greatly influences the efficacy of your spray. For example, if the pH of your tank mix is an 8.0 or higher (7 is neutral, 8 is alkaline), then your fungicides and insecticides may only perform for a matter of hours, instead of weeks. If you are experiencing breakthrough from your sprays, chances are the pH of your tank mix is high. It is a simple procedure to check using a test strip and comparing the color on the strip to a chart to determine the pH. Adjustments are made using pH Reducer (see fertilizer section) to lower your pH to a range of 6.5 to 7.0. Start with a gallon of your mix water and add small measured amounts to attain the desired pH. Now multiply that by the size of your tank and you will know how much pH Reducer is needed to buffer your tank using neutral chemicals. If the pH of the chemical you are mixing is acidic or alkaline, check the mix after adding the chemical to see how it influenced your reading and adjust the amount of pH Reducer accordingly. pH test strips and pH meters for soil are in the equipment section of this catalog.
Junction Fungicide/Bactericide

Junction is a unique combination of two chemistries combined to create a broad-spectrum fungicide/bacteria. Junction is a high-quality dry flowable formulation providing a convenient solution to disease control.
Diseases Controlled: Anthracnose, Fireblight, Blight, Bacterila & Leaf Spot, Scab, Rust, Powdery Mildew, Tar Spot, Needlecast, Dothistroma Needle Blight, plus many more.
- Broad-Spectrum fungicide/bactericide
- Control of a wide range of bacteria and fungal diseases
- Two proven active ingredients
- Effective tool in resistance management
Active Ingredients: Mancozeb and Copper Hydroxide
Packaging: 6 lb bag, 4 x 6 lb case
Rate: 1.5 – 3.5 lbs / 100 gal water
Mode of Action: Contact