Biological Aeration
Banner’s Liquid Biological Aeration Program
Lawn Care
Mechanical aeration success = Based on the quality of your employee and how well your client marked their invisible fences and underground cables.
Bio-Aeration success = How well you invest in quality products especially ones that come in the form of cocktails. One jug, one solution type products serve only in a one-dimensional way. Consider our 4-product cocktail with each performing for a multiple pronged result gaining you effective results that are unmatched.

Perfect spring days have always been reserved for mechanical aerations and because those are limited so to have been your spring aeration sales.
Banner Sales and Consulting can give you the freedom to pull the plug and retire the core aerators that have been the axis of countless frustrations. All the time and energy spent on core aeration can now be re-captured and optimized for more positive and rewarding activities.
- Are you tired of service calls where managers must spend their valuable time fixing core aerator damage and making equipment repairs?
- Tired of upset clients calling into the office and demanding immediate service?
- Tired of the scheduling nightmares and frustrating low production days?
- Tired of lawn mowing companies scalping turf, causing weeds and crabgrass to infiltrate during hot summer months?
Reduce your clients’ water bills by 25-35% when the Bio aeration is applied to their turf 1-2 times per year.
Two competing homeowners during 2022’s 90 + degree summer
- Left – Homeowner watered 6 days per week
- Right – Homeowner watered every other day
(Both were using same run times per zones) - Left – Homeowner had a $383 water bill
- Right – Homeowner had a $256 water bill
Right – Homeowner saved $127 on their first water bill!
Saved $250 for the year, equal to 1 FREE water bill!
It pays to be Right!

Shaded Lawn Bio-Aeration Spring
Mid Summer

4 Weeks After Treatment
Our solution:
Banner Sales and Consulting has formulated a proven solution to your aerating woes with a four-part product cocktail that makes up our “Biological Liquid Aeration Program.” These 4 products can be applied via machines or hose pulling.
Nitro-22 + Cal-Mag + Sp-1 + Residuce WS

Clients can save 25-35% on their irrigation bills with no plugs, no raking, and no muddy mess!
Raise your aeration price by as little as 15% and you’ve covered the cost of materials while being able to use your existing equipment. Your team can perform Bio aerations in the rain since it is beneficial to the application, bolstering production on bad weather days.
Absolutely, there are significant advantages to adding on Bio-Aerations with your clients. Imagine a member of your team who can fertilize a lawn while, at the same time, implementing a cocktail that aerates the soil. Wouldn’t it be great if your team had the ability to produce two to three times the revenue in the same amount of time? We’d like you to know that it is now possible to avoid the time-consuming clean up and service calls. Many companies have already begun holding the line on future price increases by requiring clients to make the switch to Banner’s Biological Liquid Aeration Program.
Banner Sales has, for the first time, developed a program where clients will see amazing results because soil compaction is finally being addressed and tended to properly. Have you ever seen a hard, compacted clay lawn improve to the point where you can feel it has softened? Core aerators only cover 3% of the turf and thus they cannot generate major change to the soil profile. With this unique mixture formulated by the Banner team, Cal Mag targets the soil particles, causing the bulk density to change, as clay particles bind together and open up avenues for water and air to pass through. This, in turn, allows the microbes to flourish in the soil, a process that is key to long-term success in soil management. Some companies market this process to their clients as “probiotics for your lawn” but, no matter the verbiage, it doesn’t take a turf expert to notice the outstanding difference in just a matter of weeks.

Our Solution:
Banner Sales and Consulting has found a proven solution to your labor concerns in our “Biological Liquid Aeration Program.” Our program is comprised of the following products:
Cal-Mag + Sp-1 + Residuce WS
Cost per 1,000 square feet ranges from $3 to $4, depending on volume.

BANNER – turf program for clay soils
This program will add organic matter to the soil while lowering the soil pH and maintaining a
beautiful dark green turf that is more disease-resistant:
BioNutrient Soluble 8-0-9 (USDA Certified BioBased Product) Rate: 1 – 8oz pkt per acre
Iron Max AC 6% 15-0-0 plus 2% Manganese, 3.5% Sulfur Rate: 4oz per 1,000 sq. ft.
PH Reducer Rate: 2oz per 1,000 sq. ft.
Essential (USDA Certified Bio Based Product) Rate: 5oz per 1,000 sq. ft.
Trimec 992

Trimec 992 broadleaf herbicide is the ‘applicator formula’ Trimec Complex. Trimec 992 contains a little extra 2,4-D for the quick, visual response and lower cost required by the professional lawn care operator. Dandelion curl is almost immediate, which is just what is needed to let homeowners and other property owners know that their weeds are dying. Trimec 992 is labeled for use in warm and cool season grasses including Bermudagrass, Zolysiagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue and Perennial Ryegrass. Spray volume range 20-220 gpa is suited for all types of spray equipment and accommodates tank mixtures containing fertilizer, iron, or PGRs.
Packaging: 2.5 gallon ( 5 gal / case), 55 gallon drum
Rate: 1.8 – 4 pints per acre
Triad TZ Select

Triad TZ Select™ contains four active ingredients, with two modes of action to provide dependable post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in a variety of turf types. Triad TZ Select™ is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of plants and weed growth ceases within hours. The weed control effects may be seen within a few hours to a few days after application. Weed death occurs in 1 to 4 weeks after application, depending on the application rate, sensitivity of the weed, and environmental conditions. Works well on difficult to control weeds such as Clover, Wild Violets and Ground Ivy.
Active Ingredient: 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester, Triclopyr butoxyethyl ester, Dicamba acid
Packaging: 1 Gal jug
Rate: 1.2 – 1.5 oz / 1,000 sq ft
Mode of Action: Contact and Systemic
Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

The Ideal replacement for the loss of MSMA on residential turf! Post-Emergence control of both grassy and broadleaf weeds, like Crabgrass, Foxtail, Yellow Nutsedge and Bermudagrass. Provides and extra knockout power on grassy weeds. Contains 0.75 lbs ai. / acre of quinclorac. Provides fast visual response and rapid activity and death of broadleaf weeds. Wide window for broadleaf weeds. Suitable for applications up to 90 degrees F.
Active Ingredient: Quinclorac, Sulfentrazone, 2,4-D and Dicamba
Packaging: 1 quart, 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon
Rate: See Label
Garlan 4

Garlon® 4 Ultra herbicide is the industry standard for basal cut-stump, basal bark and dormant-stem treatments, delivering excellent broad-spectrum control of woody plants even after other products call it quits for the season.
Active ingredient: Triclopyr
Packaging: 2.5 gallon
Rate: Refer to Label

Prodiamine pre-emergent grass and broadleaf weed control. Flexible application allows for both spring and fall use providing season long crabgrass control.
- Non-Staining
- Excellent tank mix partner with fertilizers and iron solutions.
- Low solubility and volatility – stays in the weed germination zone.
- Active ingredient rate as low as 1⁄4 the rate of other pre-emergent herbicide.
Pre-Emergent control of Crabgrass and 31 other problem weeds including: Henbit, Knotweed, Chickweed, Spurge, Annual Bluegrass, Foxtail, Goosegrass.
Active Ingredient: Prodiamine
Packaging: 5 pound jug Mode of Action: Pre-Emergent
Rate: 0.5 – 1.5 lbs. / acre
Mode of Action: Pre-Emergent
Equivalent Brand: Syngenta Barricade 65 WDG
Non-Selective Products
Hyvar X-L

DuPont Hyvar X-L non-selective herbicide provides residual control of many of your toughest annual, perennial and brush species. It’s offered as a water-soluble liquid that is mixed in water and applied as a spray to control weeds in non-crop areas and industrial sites.
Active Ingredient: Lithium salt of bromacil
Packaging: 1 Gallon
Rate: See Label
Round-Up Pro

Round-Up Pro penetrates the leaves and moves to the roots or weeds faster providing complete control with virtually no regrowth, thus minimizing call backs and return trips. The product also has favorable environmental characteristics, binding tightly to soil particles and with low volatility, and requires only one application on labeled weeds. Round-Up Pro is ideal for trim and edge applications, turf renovation, landscape bed maintenance and removing brush and vines.
Active Ingredient: Glyphosate 50%
Packaging: 2.5 gallon (5 gal / case)
Rate: Refer to label
If you’re ready to discover the difference with Bio aeration, give us a call!